

Sunshine Award:)

Hi! Today I have a different kind of post. I got an award, YAY:) It's the Sunshine award. Thank you so much for nominating me Bethan!

So onto the award, no wait, rules first.

The rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Answer the questions the person who nominated you asked.
- Nominate a few other bloggers.
- Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
- Notify the bloggers you nominated on their blog.
- Put the award button on your blog
The Questions:
1. When is your birthday (you don't have to say the year)?
My birthday is the 17th of December.
2. Why did you start blogging?
I used to read a few totally awesome blogs and I always admired them for what they did. So I started my own blog(s), which is probably not half so awesome, but still.
3. What is on the top of your To Be Read pile?
Bethan this is too hard!!! I can't answer this:) Probably Heist Society by Ally Carter (I have one friend who is bugging me to read it) or The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman. I hear they're both awesome.
4. How are you today? :)
Happy, a bit tired from writing my Camp NaNo novel, but fairly happy.
5. If you could be room mates with one fictional character, who would it be and why?
Most likely,um, don't really know. Dixie from Ring of Five or Ella from Ella Enchanted. Hard to choose. I will go with Dixie!
6. If you could be one fictional character, who would it be and why?
Sadie Kane from the Kane Chronicles. She has such an exciting fun life and she is so positive.
7. If you could push one fictional character off a cliff, who would it be and why?
Wow, violent! Nico from Percy Jackson. He always annoys me, urgh! Nico, definitely Nico.
8. What is your favourite book genre e.g classic, fantasy, sci-fi?
Fantasy or Sci-fi.
9. Dogs or cats?
Can I answer both? We have both and they're both so awesome, but for different reasons.
10. Would you rather read or write?
What? This can't be a question. It's not fair:( But if I had to choose, write. I don't know why, but writing comes easier than sitting down and finishing a book. Don't get me wrong, I'm a bookworm, but if I'm that then just imagine how much I write (two blogs and always a novel on the go)!

Gosh Bethan, those questions were really, really hard!

I Nominate:
Azia from Sarcastic Hipster
Kayla from Laugh 'an Love
 Lauren from Pretty Things & Polka Dots

My Questions:

1. Loose hair or tied back?
2. Disney or Doctor Who (if you've seen it)
3. Blogging or writing novels?
4. If you could live in any fantasy world, which would it be?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be (E.g Australia, China, France?
6. What is your favourite outfit?
7. What day of the week is your favourite?
8. What is your favourite hobby?
9. If you could do anything, what would it be (e.g help the pore, travel the world, be a world famous author)?
10. What is your favourite drink?

Hope you enjoyed this! It's was a lot of fun to do. I think I love tags.



  1. Haha, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise my questions were so hard... >.<
    Noooo, you can't push Nico off the cliff! I was expecting like, Umbridge or an evil book character. I love Nico! He's so misunderstood :( I love what Rick Riordan did with Nico and his character in House of Hades!


    1. That's fine!
      Sorry. I preferred Nico's sister. Bianca was nice, but I found Nico a bit annoying. Oh well!

  2. Hi! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. :)
    Go over to my blog - - for your questions!


  3. I nominated you for The Liebster Award.

    1. Thanks, but I have already done it! Sorry:(

  4. Hannah, I love your blog! I was wondering if you could check out my blog. The link is below.


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