

Ranger's Apprentice

Warning the following has big spoilers!!!! Don't read if you haven't read Ranger's Apprentice or don't want spoilers, thanks:)

Has anyone read the Ranger's Apprentice series? I have been reading them and they are so amazing! I love Halt.

You know the books where you can guess everything? Well this isn't one of them. These ones have so many surprises.

Will is only an apprentice in the first few books, but then he grows up and falls in love with Alyss. Sorry I don't know anymore than this because I haven't read any other books!

Horace is an amazing friend to Will. You would hardly believe for the first few chapters in the first book they are like worst enemies!

I didn't like the princess so much. She annoyed me. Thinking she was the best and everything and she can do everything!

Well shouldn't write anymore because I am giving away huge spoilers and I have to go play with Agnes like I promised! I will hopefully write more about this later:)



  1. Hi! I LOVE the Ranger's Apprentice series!!! I have nearly finished all the books (the 12 has just been published!) So happy you have started reading them!!!


    1. Thanks! I am really enjoying them.


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