

Cousin Blogger//First Challenge Post

Today is the first post in my blogging challenge! I will start today and end 11th of July. Sound good?
"What have you been doing?" my cousin Claire bellows down the phone.
"Blogging," I reply and little quieter. "You should start your own blog!"
Today Claire rings me, "I started my own blog!" she cries.
"That's amazing!" I tell her. "Have you written your first post yet?"
"It's on it's way," Claire assures me. "I will have it finished later on today."
"Great!" I say.
Later I get an email from Claire telling me her blog is up and running.
I hop over and take a look. I smile. It is awesome! I follow at once.
Please go visit Claire! She's is awesome:) Much better than me...


  1. Hey!
    I tagged you to do the, “Fear Landscape Tag” Go over and have a look if you’d like to take part!
    -Lauren xoxo


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