

Joe the Photographer!

Today I wrote a post on my other blog! It was the start of a novel I'm writing.

Normally I don't share my writing over there because I don't think it's good enough, so you can tell I'm pretty proud of this!

Anyway, I just wanted to say that if you want to read it click HERE.

What's it about?

Well basically it's the start of this novel about this girl named Joe who badgered her parents in taking her to a photography challenge, but then her dad has an accident and she feels it's all her fault. When she hears that her father could die, she sets out to try and find something to make him feels better.

Her are some interesting facts about Joe:

She's homeschooled

She loves photography

She believes in fairies

She is an only child

She can't stand reading

She adores making videos

I hope this helps you get to know her better! Anyway, please go read the start of my novel. If you want to hear more of it leave a comment.

That's just about all. One more thing is that if you want me to do a character interview with Joe, either here or on my other blog, please leave a comment as well either in this post or the post on my other blog.



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